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Embrace Compassion with #KiwiHelpKiwis Mission

Harvesting Goodness and Supporting Briar's Family Orchard's Mission

Welcome to the #KiwiHelpKiwis mission at Briar's Family Orchard! We're deeply grateful to invite you to join us in positively impacting our community. Through mindful actions and heartfelt contributions, we can combat food waste, nurture sustainability, and create a brighter future together.

Gleaning is Cultivating Kindness and Mindfulness

Gleaning allows us to cultivate kindness and mindfulness by rescuing surplus kiwifruits and preventing unnecessary waste. At Briar's Family Orchard, we embrace the opportunity to give back and show compassion. Join us in the #KiwiHelpKiwis mission, where every act of kindness ripples through our community.

Why Volunteer or Donate to our #KiwiHelpKiwis Mission?

  1. Volunteer: Immerse yourself in the joy of giving through our gleaning mission. Reduce food waste, nurture sustainability, and extend a helping hand to fellow Kiwis facing food insecurity. Your presence and compassionate actions will create a meaningful impact.

  2. Donate: If participating in the gleaning mission isn't possible, your generous donation allows us to continue our vital work. Show your support and contribute to Briar's Family Orchard's mission, bringing hope and nourishment to those in need.

Details and Preparation:

  • Gleaning Dates: Choose from flexible options that honour your schedule and well-being.

  • Volunteer: Sign up here for gleaning dates. As you prepare, embrace comfort and mindfulness by wearing appropriate clothing and considering rain protection gear. Let the act of gleaning become a mindful practice, connecting you with nature and the inherent value of each kiwifruit.

  • Donate: Visit here and express your compassion through a financial contribution that sustains our efforts and supports our community.

Impact and Giving Back:

Through the #KiwiHelpKiwis mission, we uplift lives and foster resilience. Gleaned kiwifruits find their way to local food banks and shelters, providing sustenance and bringing smiles to those facing adversity. Your involvement, whether through volunteerism or donation, amplifies compassion and spreads a sense of unity throughout our community.

Join the #KiwiHelpKiwis Mission Today!

Embrace compassion, mindfulness, and gratitude by signing up for our volunteer-gleaning mission. If your circumstances prevent direct involvement, make a difference through a heartfelt donation, ensuring that kindness and support ripple far beyond Briar's Family Orchard.

For inquiries or more information, kindly contact us at We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your support and participation in fulfilling our mission of creating a sustainable, compassionate world for all.

Briar's Family Orchard

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